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Soupy Blues and the Meat Sweats Stoneheart Productions
Soupy Blues and the Meat Sweats Stoneheart Productions
Spent a good part of lat week getting some final shots for S.Perez’s video to be released very soon for her EP N.L.Q. Thanks to Brian at White Boii Productions for all of the work he has put in. This whole project wouldn’t have been finished without him. Check out N.L.Q by S.Perez @nefrecords @thereallopro …
This was a real fun project we just did. When you listen to these guys, in my opinion, you’re listening to what Hardcore music used to be before it became this modern, screeching vocal, thrash guitar, blast beat nonsense. When Hardcore music stood for something and the players had heart. Again, my opinion. You don’t …
In the process of shooting a fun project for the upcoming release of N.L.Q by S.Perez. It is a small group of videos that make a short film when watched in order. I’ve always wanted to do a project like this. Here are some behind the scenes shots with S.Perez and LoPro from White Boii …
Day 1 video shoot with S.Perez thanks to LoPro and White Boii films. <iframe src=”″ width=”500″ height=”439″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true”></iframe>
Who Is Excited For The Latest From Whiskey And The Martyr? Set to be released 4/1/17
What has NEF records done for me? To put it simply, a shit ton. It allowed me to do something I always wanted to do but didn’t know if I ever would get the chance to. One of my dreams for the longest time was to put out a collection of my own music in …
Fragrant Vagrant and the Shine Bellies is a group that has been around for a little while but mostly stayed out on the porch playing songs off the top of their heads using homemade guitar type instruments and trash cans to bang on. The result is a fun Bluesy, Folkish, Bluegrass, Rock, mess of comedy. …
A Semi-formal Introduction, Fragrant Vagrant and the Shine Bellies Read More »
A record label, in 2016? Who needs such a thing? With the internet the way it is anyone can buy a new MacBook with garageband, load up some free loops or find a beat online, and put their “latest hit” out for the world to purchase for $.99. That’s great but then that so called …